2018 Annual Report

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Dear Friends,

In the past nine years, M.O.P. has transformed a group of disadvantaged youth into a family of intelligent students. Students who were once living lives of hopeless despair are now filled with dreams of bright futures thanks to education.

Education is the primary focus of Mawuvio’s Outreach Programme. We believe that education is the key to ending the cycle of poverty; poverty that is rampant throughout Ghana. The majority of our students are the first in their families to attend school and learn how to read, write and make sense of numbers. This year we provided seventy-nine youth, 38 males and 41 females with a basic Kindergarten thru Junior High School. Achieving basic literacy skills has given youth more self-confidence, self-determination and desire to continue their education journey.

All youth also participated in at least one after- school programme during the year. After -school programming was designed to expose youth to additional learning in the forms of arts, music, culture and sports. Participation in these programmes provided students with a strengthened sense of community with one another, opportunity to acquire skills which can be useful to them in their futures and further exposure to the world at large.

The past year marked our fourth year operating two facilities, our outdoor nursery and kindergarten school in Kissemah and our primary school located at Ayikuma serving day and boarding students. As we look forward into the future, we thank all the individuals both in Ghana and abroad that have helped management, staff and students continue to uphold the mission and vision of our organization. We foresee Mawuvio’s Outreach Programme to have many successful years to come.


Yours Faithfully,


Eric Kwame Agoe                                                                   Renee Farwell


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Founder & Director                                                               Founder & Director



Board of Directors


Eric Kwame Agoe         President

Renee Farwell                             Vice President

Barbara Farwell            Treasurer




Board of Members


Eric Agbozo                    Chairman

Oscar Tigayie                 Honorary Secretary

Lawrenda Dzadey        Honorary Treasurer

Florian Bernhart

Cecilia Avorseh

Sarah Karner

Kaitlyn Gitter



Parent Teacher Association




















John Bedi                                      Chairman

Monica Tetevi                             Secretary



Our Mission and Vision

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Mission         Provide free education, shelter and care for at-risk youth across the globe               regardless of sex, age, race or tribal origin.


Vision            Reorient education towards sustainable development meeting the outcry                         of all children. Provide education, art, career and cultural programs to               encourage children to succeed in our local community and extend                                    support to vulnerable children in the future.


Mawuvio’s Outreach Programmes have consistently provided youth with educational, vocational and creative avenues in which to learn. Each programme strives to equip youth the insight and tools they need to develop into contributing and successful members of society; breaking the cycle of poverty.


















































Mawuvio’s School:



Feeding Programme


Thirty Mawuvio’s School youth participate in the school’s football club. Male and female students train weekly and participate in organized matches against neighboring schools. Youth are learning many values such as teamwork, importance of exercise and communication due to their participation in the schools club.


Football Club


Jewelry Making


Thirty Mawuvio’s School youth learn the craft of local jewelry making. Traditional Krobo beads are purchased and then students and staff of Mawuvio’s School craft the beads into bracelets, necklaces and earrings which are then sold worldwide to raise funds for the organization’. Youth are learning the values of craft, hardwork and contributing to the organization they belong to.

































21% live with 1 or both biological parents

Oval: 21% %%%%Oval: 92% %%%%

100% passed to the next grade level


47% are on track to graduate SHS by age 18


The Youth of Mawuvio’s Outreach




2 harvests of corn, okro, plantain, mango and garden eggs at Mawuvio’s Outreach enriched students diets and decreased spending on feeding.


61 students participated in Math and English enrichment classes during the inter-term breaks.


“It is the lack of education keeping the cycle of poverty alive.”

- Eric Kwame Agoe Co-Founder & Director


“I have made my mind to learn and study hard in this boarding school so I may become a great man in my future.”

– Alex Boateng JHS1


OUR SUPPORTERS in Fiscal Year 2018